Nico & Dani

Saturday, July 5, 2025 • Costa Mesa, CA
113 Days To Go!

Nico & Dani

Saturday, July 5, 2025 • Costa Mesa, CA
113 Days To Go!

Q + A

Can I Bring a +Plus One?

Only guests on our RSVP list may attend the wedding. Please refrain from bringing any extra guests. This is to ensure there is sufficient food and seating as well as to safeguard the intimacy of this special day by prioritizing celebrating our wedding only with our closest friends and family.

Should I Purchase Registry Gifts Early?

Some friends have reached out to ask us when we would like purchases to be made on our gift registry. Kindly make your purchases *any time after June 1st* to ensure they arrive at our new apartment that we will be in the process of moving into shortly before the wedding throughout that month.

Is there a hotel we should all go to?

Orange County is full of hotel accommodations all around the areas of the wedding mass and venue. While we do not have any specific hotels block-reserved for guests, we encourage guests to choose from the great hotels near the church in Costa Mesa, many of which are by major streets with bus service that goes right to the church. If you would like to be connected with guests who are looking to split the cost of an AirBnB, message Nico directly at 714-586-7338.

Are young children allowed at this wedding?

It is the desire of Dani and I that this wedding be an adults and young adults-only event. Please make child-care arrangements for younger children (e.g. toddlers). Small newborns / infants may accompany, if absolutely necessary. However, we kindly ask that if they become disruptive during the wedding mass or reception that parents should calm them down outside the church or in the reception courtyard. We thank you in advance for honoring our wishes for this special day.

Will there be an open bar?

Yes! Enjoy the Cana-like atmosphere.

What do you recommend to get around?

OCTA Buses run a route that goes right by the church if you happen to get a hotel that is on Bristol, MacArthur, or Flower Street. Ubers will cost $15-20 a trip between local hotels, the church, the venue, and the surrounding area. Rental cars are also a good move and if you coordinate with other guests, might be the more flexible option for getting around. There are plenty of rental car services here, especially around the local John Wayne Airport which is 8 mins from the church.

What Should I Expect At Church?

The wedding Mass will be celebrated almost exclusively in the ancient Latin language while the priest faces the crucifix on the altar for a great portion of the time. The sermon will be in English and Spanish. We are hoping to create an extremely sacred environment and worship experience that communicates to every guest what a great and serious sacrament it is that we are receiving and how holy the God we love is. If you are not used to experiencing worshipping in this way, we invite you to keep an open mind, enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of sacred music, and lift your heart up to God and pray for us to have a successful marriage. If you do this, as well as stand, sit, and kneel with the rest of the guests, you will have done a great job!

Should I go up for communion?

All practicing, weekly Mass-attending Catholics who are in a state of grace (having confessed all grave sins in the Sacrament of Confession) are welcome to come forward to receive communion at the rail. If you are Catholic but haven't been to Mass or Confession in a while, we still invite you to come forward for a blessing or remain in your pew if you prefer. If you are not Catholic or are no longer practicing you may still come forward for a blessing at communion time or remain in your pew, whatever you prefer.